I moved to new place, Wollongong which is coastal city and steal workers city. I am watching the window outside of the train, beautiful horizon there. I was thinking about my journey in Australia while watching the scenery from the seat.
I was living in the blue caravan at mountain, surrounded by bamboos and beautiful plants before I moved to Wollongong. I still miss this caravan life, but life need to be changed sometimes.
I was taking care of animals such as chicks and pigs. 2 chicks thought I was their parent so they followed me all the time when I release them from their house. 2 Pigs are also so beautiful that I deeply feel that I can’t stand people eating them. They are family, friend of us.
I met good people in the hostel in Wollongong. The picture shows the face of friends Alex,Maggie,Zoe and me. Alex and Maggie were so open heart and present at the moment. Zoe is musician living in Sydney. We walked to the train station together because we wanted to say good bye to Zoe at the station.
The picture shows the time when I was living in the off-grid community in the mountain, at music therapist house. We were playing music together and neighbors came and chilled at living room. I plays uklele, Karyn plays guitar. The other people are sitting around the table.
I love cooking. The picture shows vegan food that I made before. One is soba noodle with fried tofu and garden fresh vegetables, one is buckwheat crepe with hand made falafel(middle eastern croquet made by chick pea), one is Vietnamese rice paper roll, one is vegan chocolate chip cookie.
I went to food coop at northern part of Wollongong. Lots of bulk food that I can buy with containers with no waste. Fresh local vegetables. There are lots of no waste shop in Australia which is so good. You can just bring your container and fill it up in shop!
This picture is my backpack. I bought it at recycle shop in New Zealand 2years ago. It’s bit old but this back is my companion, my friend. Black backpack has cloth sticker says “NO OLYMPIC IN TOKYO 2020” which I stitched by my hand. I also stitched beautiful material on old part of the bag. The material is aboriginal art works on it.
There are 2 pictures, one is organic vegetables from small local organic farm in Wollongong. Spring onion, beats roots, lettuce,lemon and red cabbage. I helped some gardening there and get free organic vegetables from this farm. It’s good exchange, not for money but for experience and tasty organic vegetables. Another picture is me holding these vegetables in my arm like a baby.
I met South Korean girl at hostel who was struggling with speaking English. I tried to remember Korean and we talked in easy English and Korean. She tried to me to remember lots of Korean word which helps me a lot! She gave me the Mag cup with picture of Wollongong at the day she leave the hostel. She took beautiful picture by her phone and print it on cup. So this is the picture of it.
This picture shows outside music session day at pub space in the mountain where I lived before. People come and play music together every Sunday besides small liquor shop. I also went there with the guy from off-grid community. People are playing guitars, violin, acoustic base, harmonica etc. Potato fries that I ordered on the table. I played guitar and sing
The picture is Tempeh which is Indonesian fermented soybeans wrapped by banana leaf. I bought it in organic shop in Wollongong. Someday I wanna go to Indonesia to eat tempeh every day.
This picture shows my feet with eczema. After I moved to the hostel in Wollongong, my feet are so itchy...I am trying not scratch them but always lose. I know sometimes my body teach me my unconscious stress by eczema. Living in the same room with people is a little stressful.
I talked with Palestinian guy in the hostel, he taught me lots of remarkable things such as his experience in his childhood,the violence from Israel army, riot of kids, plastic bomb, hopeless life and musicians who are fighting against invasion by using music. These stories touched me. He describes Palestinians ordinary life and extraordinary life. He also described refugee camp in West Bank as a “Lawless zone”. I can imagine details of the scenery, peoples face, street, atmosphere... now. Palestine exists clearly inside me more than before. He taught me Palestinian woman rapper Shadia Mansour. 宿に住むパレスチナ出身の同世代の男性と交流し、たくさんの話を聞かせてもらった。彼が小さなときに見た光景、イスラエル兵の暴力、子どもたちの反乱、プラスチック爆弾、希望の見えない日常、そして音楽で抵抗するミュージシャン。その言葉の一つ一つに胸を打たれる。彼の描写する日常や非日常の風景、彼が言うには「無法地帯」となっているパレスチナ西岸内にある難民キャンプの風景、行ったことのない道の通りや人の表情を想像する。いま私の中には以前よりもはっきりとパレスチナが存在する。パレスチナの女性のラッパーShadia Mansourを教えてもらった。 Shadia Mansour feat Omar Offending \-We Have To Change https://youtu.be/87rk2sd7TCs
New text document.txt
I am cleaning the hostel where I live everyday in the morning. 2-3 hours 7days a week.I don’t need to pay a rent but I think its over working. They should pay me money but they are used to use the backpackers like this for long time, so they think they are doing right thing. The problem is the other cleaners doesn’t think same as me, and they become obedience and try work hard for the owner. I want to leave if possible, but I still have no work rights and hard to live without earn money from outside. So it is hard time for me to find the right place to live.
This picture shows Nimbin, which is the iconic town of Marijhana legalize movement. I did small flea market on the street in Nimbin before I leave this area. So I drew the picture of that small market, mountain view and hemp embassy in town which sells various hemp products.
The picture of full moon above the dark ocean in Wollongong. I went to bike riding with woman I met while biking the coast. We became friends immediately and she took me to beautiful beach bike riding just after we met each other. So this is the night after finished riding.
I participated climate justice demonstration at Wollongong central. It was not so big demo because of rain but it was good to block the traffic and call for no mining and pollution. This picture is the moment we stoped the car at the middle of traffic.
My face was very itchy today!!!!!
my face.txt
Long term white guys never wash their own kitchen stuff and cleaner woman clean their dirty dishes almost everyday. They are just smoking weed and eating junk food and let woman wash their dishes, sucks. I never wanna clean their shit and wipe their ass but the other cleaner girls are so used to wipe their ass so I was so frustrated. I said to the other cleaners that the guys will never learn if you wipe their ass always. We should just leave it and let them do! But she just don’t want to brake friendship with the guys so she cleaned their dirty dishes again. What a toxic relationship!! I never want to get involved. I hate it so much.
The picture of lotus leaves and flowers which is floating on water at temple in Wollongong. Golden fishies also in the water.
Picture of my first music album in my life! I drew the picture of the album which has 4 band members picture. The name of the album is “mystery and magic” and the band name is “Sistas”. We made this album in off grid community near Nimbin.
My diary about Sydney Vegan facebook group.I joined this Facebook group recently and some people revealed that the owner of the one of vegan restaurant in Sydney is Trump supporter. Many people started to discuss about intersectionality between veganism, racism, sexism etc... That’s good thing. Because these things are connected deeply each other and it cant be ignored in this situation of the world especially.
Shaka in Buddhist temple in seaside city Wollongong. Long hanging ears, pink skin, and a colorful round pattern on the background. There is a lantern in front of Shaka.
I drew beach side view from Wollongong main beach. Steel factory over the ocean view which is bit strange contrast with beautiful blue color of the ocean.
オーストラリア、タスマニア島で行われている貴重な森林の伐採に反対して直接行動をしてきた人たちがいる。タスマニアはタカイナtakayna/Takaineという地域で、響きが高江に似ていることから親近感あり、以前パタゴニアが作った短編ドキュメンタリーを友人と住んでいたテントでみた記憶。ずっとここで起きていることをもっと知りたいと思っていた。そしたら偶然2年前ニュージー南島の河原コミューンで出会ったドキュメンタリー制作兼ミュージシャンで活動家の友人が、タカイナで起きてることのドキュメンタリー映画の完成とYou Tubeで無料視聴できると情報が回ってきた!昨日ネット上でプレミア公開されたとのこと。 日本語字幕がないのだけど、すごくいい映像で、何が起こっているのか英語がわからなくてもなんとなく理解できるのではないかな。木の上で生活したり、腕とトラクターをパイプで固定して工事を阻止したり、様々な方法で貴重な生物の宝庫であり先住民の聖なる土地であるこの森の工事を遅らせている。 沖縄の高江や辺野古の行動とも繋がりを感じる。私もまだ全ては観れていないのでゆっくり観ようと思う。 https://youtu.be/QW_QRR-6SLY There are some people have taken direct action against the deforestation of precious forests in Tasmania, Australia. This region in Tasmania is called Takayna / Takaine, and I have a feeling of familiarity because the sound resembles Takae in Okinawa island, and I remember seeing a short documentary made by Patagonia before. I've always wanted to know more about what's happening there. Eco-activist I met at the Takaka riverside Commune in the South Island of New Zealand told me that a documentary film about what is happening in Takaina was completed and that it could be watched for free on You Tube! It was premiered on the internet yesterday. This film has no Japanese subtitles, but it's a very good video, and I think people can understand what's happening even if some don't understand English. Living on trees, pipes arms and tractors to prevent construction, and various other methods delay construction of this forest, a treasure trove of precious creatures and a holy land for indigenous peoples. I feel a connection with the direct actions of Takae and Henoko in Okinawa. I haven't seen everything yet, so I'll watch it later. https://youtu.be/QW_QRR-6SLY
I worked in Keryn’s friends house near Billen cliff, and I worked for her for 2 hours as weeding hand. She has big pool and beautiful garden, looks very fancy. But she paid me only $15 a hour which is far below minimum wage. I don’t wanna be this kind of person who just use young backpacker as cheap labor. I am even her good friend’s friend.
Picture of my tooth. It just fall off from my mouth...It was slowly melting after tooth cover came off in New Zealand. It will be alright.
Orange sky and sunrise on the ocean in Wollongong. I was there with Polish girl who I met in hostel. We went to cafe together after that and we talked about our journey.
Purple dusk sky and seaside statue, seagull on it.
Hand drawing of farmer’s market in Wollongong. Colorful vegetables and nuts are sold on the street.
Hand drawing of 2 Palestinian people who I met in Sydney Vegan market.They are wearing black apron with their group logo “Palestine fair trade Australia”. Middle aged woman is emailing and young guy besides. I bought soap from Nablus, west bank of Palestine and post card which support deaf children school in Gaza.
I was super tired and couldn’t do anything because the power of the city, Sydney took so much energy from me yesterday.
Picture of the ocean in Wollongong. Around 6pm.I did beautiful bike riding and I found a good spot to lay down and talked with friend oversea.